Developers want to "restore" Utah Lake by killing all the fish, dredging the lake and building an island city in it with up to 2+ times the population of SLC. According to Dr. Sam Rushforth, Dean of Utah Valley University's College of Science, Emeritus, "The so called restoration of Utah Lake as proposed by the developers is not possible. It would not restore the lake. In effect it would destroy the ecosystem of the lake and potentially harm much of its watershed, including Utah Valley. The proposed restoration/island-building project would be an environmental catastrophe—an unmitigated disaster.”  The doubtful claims sited below are derived directly or indirectly from statements and publications offered by developers to justify their Utah Lake island-city project.

1.  The EPA has given the restoration/island building project a "fabulous endorsement." The project is based on “science."

Correction:  The EPA has not endorsed the developers’ project to dredge Utah Lake and build a large city in its midst. Independent environmental scientists and experts from around the country criticize the project as being harmful and not based on sound environmental science.

2.  Utah Lake is in bad shape. It’s a "cesspool," an "eyesore" and a "mud puddle."

Correction:  Many agree that Utah Lake has significant challenges and could use more help, but the lake is indeed improving in most areas (see below). It is naturally shallow and turbid. That is healthy for the lake. Muddy marshes around the lake help clean the water and provide important habitat for fish and birds. Thirty-five million migratory birds call Utah Lake home. Many agree harming our public lake with a private island city would disrupt wildlife throughout Utah and the western U.S.

3. For decades, efforts to help the lake "have proven futile" and "algal blooms in Utah Lake have worsened."

Correction:  Although Utah Lake needs more help, in many aspects the lake is actually improving. Utah Lake is on a road to recovery thanks to hundreds of science-based restoration projects undertaken over the past 30 years. Algal blooms are declining, except for Provo Bay and some parts of the eastern shore near nutrient-laden wastewater inputs. But many helpful, restorative projects are underway. About three quarters of the carp have been removed and the Provo River Delta and other tributaries are being restored so more fresh water flows into the lake. Native species are better able to breed. The native June Sucker is no longer listed as endangered. Additional environmentally-sound efforts to help the lake are being studied and should be implemented as appropriate.

4.  Utah Lake needs to be dredged to restore it. "How much needs to be dredged? ... 1 billion cubic yards."

Correction:  According to environmental scientists at BYU, UVU and USU, dredging all of Utah Lake would be harmful. Dredging can release pollutants that are currently safely locked up in sediments. Dredging and building a large city in our lake would alter the structure and chemistry of the lake, allowing increased light penetration which would actually increase algal growth and compromise the natural hydrology and biology that make Utah Lake so resilient. Utah Lake’s natural shallowness and waves help prevent dead zones, fish kills, and release of redox-sensitive pollutants from sediment (phosphorus and mercury). The lake’s natural cloudiness protects against algal bloom formation.

5.  Utah Lake "evaporation is a major problem," and wind and waves need to be fixed.

Correction:  In fact, these natural characteristics of the lake make it incredibly resilient and provide essential services to our community. Lake evaporation is very helpful; providing moisture for rain and cooling in warmer months. Evaporation constantly removes nutrients and pollutants. Wind and waves keep the water mixed and prevent fish kills during the summer.

6.  "Restoration of Utah Lake will require approximately $6.4 billion in private investment from Lake Restoration Solutions, Inc."

Correction:  Utah Lake can be restored in an environmentally sound way for a small fraction of the quoted amount and without killing all the fish in the lake with Rotenone as proposed, and harmful dredging, and deeding away a large part of our public treasure. As mentioned above, many helpful, successful, restorative projects are currently underway, and more will be done with public support. Again, Utah Lake is now on the road to recovery.

7. The Lake Restoration Solutions' island city project would restore Utah Lake to a "clear," "pristine" state, and at “zero" expense to taxpayers.

Correction:  Utah Lake scientists say the lake is naturally shallow and turbid. Utah Lake never had multiple bridges crossing it and never had a large island city in its midst, so neither would a developer-restored, pristine Utah Lake. Furthermore, taxpayers could be obligated to guarantee up to $10 million in loans for a private company proposing to build a large city in the lake. Unless otherwise prevented, if Lake Restoration Solutions Inc goes bankrupt, bails or fails, taxpayers could be responsible to repay any state-backed loans and pay millions for needed remediation and removal. Furthermore, a large island city in the lake would increase air pollution, mortality from air pollution, waste generation, harmful runoff, water consumption, traffic congestion, both noise and light pollution, greenhouse gas production and climate change. In the view of many, a large island city in the lake would deface our beautiful valley and betray the legacy of those who lived here before—none more so than the Timpanogos. “For the Timpanogos and other indigenous people, Utah Lake is sacred. Water is a life-giving force. A large city in the middle of the lake would forever change the energy of the lake and devastate its natural beauty. Utah Lake is a historic and sacred site. It needs healed and preserved for future generations.” —Timpanogos Nation Chief Executive Mary Murdock Meyer

8. "The lake has no functioning facilities... for visitors."

Correction:  Utah Lake has many functioning facilities for visitors including the popular Utah Lake State Park, Lindon Boat Harbor, American Fork Boat Harbor, Shoreline Park in Lehi, Inlet Park, Marina Park and Jumbers Point in Saratoga Springs, Pelican Point, and the popular Lincoln Beach near Spanish Fork. With over 25 public access points and a growing trails network, Utah Lake provides numerous recreation opportunities in our own backyard. Hardly "no functioning facilities... for visitors."

*Compiled by the UVEF and supported

by independent environmental scientists

and experts cross the country.

To help Utah Lake

and stop this harmful project, please

sign the petition.

Correcting Misinformation Used to

Justify Constructing a Large Private

Island City in Utah Lake*
